FAQ – the Parent Pact    

Why have you changed the Parent Pact? 

Because Smartphone Free Childhood kicked off spontaneously in Feb 2024 with no prior planning, we’ve been ‘building the plane whilst it’s flying’. Our original analogue Parent Pact was hastily assembled and whilst super effective at bringing people together in a school to take collective action, it was a huge pdf of instructions that were hard to navigate and only for the most committed!

People who are on board with the idea – but not the type to engage their entire school – had no way of indicating their support. Because it was very analogue, we had no way of tracking and collecting data about how many people were taking the pact. This data is hugely important for us to be able to show the powers that be how much this issue matters, to help us campaign for change.
We spent weeks talking to parents and regional leaders who have done the pact process, consulting tech experts in our community and thinking deeply about all the possible options. The solution we’ve come up with feels true to the DIY spirit of SFC. It’s simple but strong, and all about building hyperlocal action in our communities. We hope you like it.

How does the new Parent Pact work?

Each of the 60 SFC regions in Britain now has their own Parent Pact which enables parents to commit to delay getting their child a smartphone in 30 seconds – and to view a leaderboard of schools in their area to see how many others have signed (leaderboards aren’t quite live yet but will be launching at the end of September).

This new system means we can collect data about how many parents are delaying getting smartphones, building a sense of momentum and healthy competition between counties and schools. Ultimately the aim is to reach that magical tipping point where the norm about when kids get their first smartphone is changed across the country.

What about the old parent pact – and what happens if we’ve already done the pact process in our school?

Don’t worry if you’ve already done a pact in your school – that is great! Drop us an email and we’ll input your info so that your pacts are counted. community@smartphonefreechildhood.com

The old version of our parent pact is now called the School Survey – because surveying your school is at the heart of that process. It remains much the same – and it ends with everyone taking the new centralised Parent Pact. If you’re trying to drum up support and open a conversation with the school leadership and parents at your school about smartphones, the School Survey is the toolkit for you. This document has been updated and simplified and remains a crucial tool in our arsenal. You can find it on our website here.

How will parents know who else has signed the pact in their child’s class / year, so they can share solidarity and support?

We are directing everyone who signs the pact to join their school’s SFC WhatsApp group. This is the place to hold strong together with others who have signed the pact. You can share stories, tips and advice, and be sure that your child won’t be alone in not having a smartphone in their peer group. 

Why does the Pact ask people to delay till the end of Year 9 rather than 16?

We know it’s a potentially divisive point and we have considered it carefully. Ultimately we’ve decided to go with the end of Year 9, which means ‘at least 14' for smartphones because it's more inclusive and mainstream and therefore gives us the biggest chance of mainstream adoption and success. Many parents see delaying smartphones until 16 as impossible or radical, and it feels like a lifetime away for parents of young children. Delaying until at least 14 is a realistic goal that would in itself be transformative – but ultimately as a movement we think 16 is the ideal.

What if parents have children at more than one school?

The new Parent Pact allows parents to add multiple children from one school, but if parents have children at more than one school, they will need to complete a Pact for each school.

Will the pact need to be repeated each year?

The Pact will not need to be repeated each year. The Pact only needs to be signed once. 

Where can I see how many people have signed in my school? 

Around the end of September, once we’ve tested the data, you’ll be able to see how many people have signed in your school on a leader board for your region. It will be displayed via the regional microsites, and a link on our website. 

What if parents are unsure about committing until at least 14?

If parents are reluctant to commit to wait until at least 14, for example if their child is still very young, you can reassure them that the Pact is a statement of intent, rather than a legally binding document. 

Will you share people’s names and emails publicly?

No, the pact will be anonymous. We collect names and emails so that we can keep people updated, and to ensure each entry is genuine. We will only publish the school names, and the number of people who have signed at each school. No individual’s names will ever be shared publicly. 

What about privacy? 

Our privacy policy can be found on our website and via a link on the parent pact 

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Smartphone Free Childhood Limited is a company limited by guarantee (16041317). The Smartphone Free Childhood Charitable Fund is a restricted fund under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund (Charity Number 1099682). PRIVACY POLICY