Our children’s time and attention is being captured by the most powerful corporations in human history. 

In a few short years smartphones and social media have become the new frontier of parenting and families everywhere are struggling.

Individually we are no match for Big Tech’s addictive algorithms – and the consequences for children, families and society are profound.

We’re Smartphone Free Childhood and we’re bringing people together to stand up for healthier, happier childhoods. 

Because childhood’s too short to be spent on a smartphone.

We believe that childhood is fleeting and precious All children deserve the opportunity to learn and grow free from addictive algorithms and devices.

We believe in letting kids be kids 
The things they need to thrive are simple and free: to play, to imagine, to connect with others and the real world – in all its messy imperfection.

We believe technology should be a force for good
It should respect our children’s attention, improve their wellbeing and help them flourish in the real world, not the other way round. 

We believe that companies that profit from children must respect childhood
Not only by keeping them safe from harm, but by designing products that recognise the importance of childhood and the needs of healthy development.

We believe parents should be empowered to parent in the online world
Informed by their values and beliefs, in the same way that they do in the real world. 

We believe change starts with all of us
We must link arms and collectively reject the narrative that childhood mediated by addictive algorithms is the only option. Together we are powerful. 


Together we’re powerful 
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Smartphone Free Childhood Limited is a company limited by guarantee (16041317). The Smartphone Free Childhood Charitable Fund is a restricted fund under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund (Charity Number 1099682). PRIVACY POLICY