Parents have been put in an impossible position

We either...Give our children access to an adult product that opens the door to harmful content, addictive algorithms and the anxiety machine that is social media.

Or we...Risk alienating them from their peers at a crucial stage of their development.

It’s a lose-lose; for parents, children and society. And we’re on a mission to fix it.

Our mission 

We’re on mission to change the cultural norm that children are given smartphones, and challenge Big Tech’s ever-increasing colonisation of childhood. We’ll do it by:

🗣️ Growing the national conversation about the harms of smartphones for children.

👩‍🏫 Empowering parents and schools to take collective action and create change at a local level.

👊 Putting pressure on government and tech companies to help us protect our children.

Just as we marvel at the fact cigarette companies used to market their products as healthy, people will look back on this era and ask why children weren’t better protected from Big Tech.

Let’s get together and create the change our children need.

Because childhood is too short to spend on a smartphone.  


Together we’re powerful 
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Smartphone Free Childhood is a restricted fund under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund, Charity Number 1099682.        PRIVACY POLICY